Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Pediatrician Visit

We had our first visit to the pediatrician and we survived!

Little one has already been through so much but we wanted to get her in front of our doctor before Rob went back to work. She did great although was pretty unhappy for most of the time. According to the U.S. growth charts shes tiny but that doesn't really mean anything since she's Asian. Lydia is doing fine and if she's anything like Gabby she'll grow like a weed for the first six months or so.

It's recommended that vaccinations are re-started due to quality issues of shots in China (expired shots, or not refrigerated properly, etc) so Rob had to pin Lydia down while she had four shots for today's visit - with another followup in a month. Once the shots were done both Lydia and Gabby got a little cup of Animal Crackers, which both girls took it as a personal challenge to eat as fast as possible.

Just as with Gabby we also had to have blood drawn, deciding to bite the bullet we took Lydia to Quest and had that done too. As Rob sat and held Lydia for the blood work I think she was most annoyed at being physically constrained, as soon as it was over she stuck the rest of her cracker in her mouth and the crying stopped immediately. We still have to visit the Health Department to get a TB test done.

Also we can't forget the poop samples taken over three days. This time around it's Kara's turn as Rob did it for Gabby, it's quite the role reversal this time around.

Since it was had been a rough day we stopped off at Target to get some Infant Tylenol and a toy or two for the girls.

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