Gabby's Adoption

Here's a copy of our first blog of when the adopted Gabby in 2005... ahh the memories... ohh the screaming...

Photos are available here.

Arrived in China

We're here in Beijing, the flights were fine and we arrived in Beijing about an hour late.

We just got back from a store like Walmart where we stocked up on bottled water.

It's 7:40 pm here which is 5:40 am Friday morning in the US, so we're going to bed soon since we've been up for over 24 hours.
Just a quick update to let people know we're here safely. We'll probably post more stuff to the website once we're in Nanchang on Sunday afternoon

1/28/2005 4:04:16 AM

Sightseeing in Beijing

Today had a day of sightseeing in Beijing. We left at 9:00 am and hopped on a bus to take us to Tiananmen Square and the entrance to the Forbidden city. Tiananmen Square was a huge open area. It was already cold in Beijing, about 30 degrees, but it was SO windy, the windchill felt like 50 below zero, at times it took your breath away. But it was a clear,bright day. Luckily, Rob and I prepared well and as you can see from the pictures and were wearing many layers so we enjoyed our time in this historical place. Entering the Forbidden City transported us back many, many centuries. It was absolutely amazing. One large area was said to have held 10,000 soliders. We even witnessed a marching dance of sorts by today's guards. The details were fascinating. Every piece of wood, each stone was intricately carved and adorned. We took so many pictures and movies that we know Gabrielle will cherish in the future.

We went to lunch at a restaurant that specializes in Beijing duck, or Peking Duck. We sat at large tables with a lazy susan in the middle and they just kept bringing out dish, after dish, after dish. Rob and I tried almost everything..the duck was delicious but very rich. It was fun to watch Rob try to figure out chopsticks. He, along with others, finally gave up and asked for forks.

After lunch we went across the street to visit the CHI (Children's Hope International) office in Beijing. We were the first group to visit and we met Melody who is head of the China Program there. She, along with our group coordinator Sabrina, told us all about the wonderful work they do in China to help children find families, get much needed surgeries and the supplies needed to bring them health, happiness and hope. It was an emotional time because you know how much the people at CHI love the children and want to help them find their forever families. We found out that we will also have the opportunity to visit the orphanage and hopefully meet Gabrielle's foster mother on Thursday. We so want to meet her and thank her for loving and caring for Gabby until we were able to take her home. As we were leaving, Melody thanked Rob and I for the donations we brought to give to their surgery project. They have a house where children go after surgery to recooperate before they are taken back to the orphanage.

After that, we hopped back on the bus to go to the Great Wall of China. It was about 45 minutes outside of Beijing. Before we knew it we were among these great hills and mountains. We climbed to the first tower, which luckily for us, was only about 30 steps...but wow was it steep! By the end I was almost crawling up them, and quickly asked Rob to carry my backpack! Again, it was amazing to think of the time when this wonder was created and realized we were only seeing the tiniest fraction of the wall as it stretches for thousands of miles over China.

We headed back to the hotel, went back to the grocery store down the street to buy more bottled water. It was very busy and just like at home I always seem to pick the slowest line. It was like visiting SAMS or Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. We ate dinner in the hotel which was a bit pricier, but so convenient. We treated ourselves to burgers and fries for our last night as a couple, for tomorrow we will become a family.
We stayed up until almost 11:00 going through our suitcases and reshifting things. We have Gabrielle's diaper bag ready for the big day as we will only have about an hour in the hotel before we leave to meet her! In the suitcases we found the card that Scott and Shannon secretly stashed and it was such a wonderful surprise that brought many happy tears!

So now, it's about 6:00 am on Sunday, we have been awake since 4:00...just too excited to sleep. We will go to the adoption affairs office to finally meet our girl Gabby at 4:00 pm and then the adventure will really begin! Love to all our family and friends and we will post again as soon as we can.

1/29/2005 2:23:29 PM

Big Changes for Everyone

Yesterday we became the legal parents of Gabby. We had a couple of meetings at different offices, some paperwork, sign on the line and she is officially ours!

It's been quite an adjustment for all of us. We flew from Beijing to Nanchang and had about an hour in the hotel before getting on a bus to the local adoption offices. We crowded into a room and they brought out our babies one at a time. It was chaotic and over in a few minutes, just enough time to be given Gabby, one of her bottles and a book of photos from her time at the orphanage. The book also includes a photo of a woman holding Gabrielle that we believe is her foster mother. We found out from the orphanage director Mr. Wu, that Gabby lived in a home that had her foster mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and siblings. We got the impression that they really doted on her and that makes us feel so good knowing that she was loved so very much.

Gabby is doing well but is grieving very hard. She has been crying for her foster mother and trying to make sense of all the big changes that are coming her way. We've learned that she has to have her own way and when she is happy she is very happy, but when she is sad she is very sad. Our first night together was tough, Gabby was up most of the time crying but we also got a look at the "real" Gabby during some playtime.

She loves to play in water, either the bath tub or splashing in the sink. The stacking cups are a big hit as are the Cheerios. You only have to look at the floor of our hotel room to see that she loves Cheerios! So far at meal times she has been great. She had a breakfast of Congee which is a rice porridge. She also ate a lot of scrambled eggs. At dinner she ate some rice with bottles of formula in between. The hotel is very equipped for kids, we have a crib in the room for her as well as the restaurant has high chairs which has been so handy at mealtime.

So far Gabby has bonded with Kara, I get a lot of looks when she thinks I'm not watching but nothing else. So I'm in charge of making the bottles and getting everything ready when we head outside but Kara is in charge of the feeding, cuddling and changing the diapers/nappies.

Yesterday we had paperwork from 8am till around 11 during which Gabby cried. She seems to be one having the toughest time in the group but we hear lots of cries from the rooms around us so we know everyone is dealing with the adjustment.

After the paperwork we were headed to the local Walmart. Kara was concerned with Gabby and was thinking of going straight back to the hotel. Gabby has a little bit of a high temperature but we're thinking that it is more to do with teething and the adjustment. We stuck with the group and went to Walmart which turned out to be the best decision. Gabby loved being in the cart being pushed around and see everything that is going on, so much so that we bought a stroller/push chair for her which has turned out to be a great purchase. Outside of Walmart we were stopped by the "clothes police", a little old Chinese lady told us that we didn't have enough clothes on her. Especially that we didn't have an extra hat on her. She was wearing it earlier, but during one of her meltdowns, we took it off and left it on the bus. We probably would have been disappointed if we had gone the whole trip without getting stopped by the clothes police.

Last night was a much better night. Gabby slept all night and so did we! We had a free day and chose to stay in the hotel to try to bond with Gabby more. I've spent more time with her but it is a slow process.

We'll post more when we get the opportunity but we're just taking it one day at a time.

2/1/2005 1:46:17 AM

Sightseeing in Nanchang

Today we had a WONDERFUL day! It started after our second night of Gabrielle sleeping from 9:00 pm to 7:00 am. What a difference it has made in all of us!

We met our group downstairs this morning at 10:00 to go sightseeing in Nanchang. We went to a historic pavilion called Teng Wang. We took the stroller knowing that Gabrielle is usually in a better mood if she is in it, but found out on the way, that we would being climbing 89 steps up. But our Nanchang guide Mary told us not to worry, the steps are not as steep as the Great Wall...but of course we weren't carrying around a 20 pound bundle of joy then. Anyway, we left the stroller on the bus and we got in our cardio for the day. Gabby only cried once on the bus there, when we were stopped of course, but it was a short lived whimper. She does like to stay in motion!

The day was filled with so many great moments, but for us the best was at the top of the pavilion. Luckily, after the 89 step climb we could take an elevator to the top where we watched a music performance. The music was so beautiful and the look of wonder in Gabrielle's eyes brought tears to our eyes. We have found the Chinese culture, art and music beautiful and today's performance was so special that I was glad we remembered to take the video camera.

As we went down floor by floor, there were gift shops at each level. We found a lovely piggy bank for Gabby, but in the shape of a ram since she was born in the year of the ram. Kara jokingly said the ram fits her personality. She definitely knows what she wants and can tend to show a stubborn streak....we are finally finding the humor in that...having two nights of good sleep certainly helps your attitude!

We have posted some pictures from this pavilion. We especially like our family photo where Gabrielle finally didn't have tears in her eyes! As we walked around, many Chinese people would stop and look at Gabby and make comments which we are sure means that she is the most precious girl around. We took more care in picking out Gabby's clothes today, making sure to bundle her up, but of course we got stopped by the 'clothes police' again. An elderly woman came up to smile at Gabby and before we knew it, she had Gabby in her arms. We smiled politely as she shook her finger at Rob and I, motioning that her legs needed to be covered up more. We nodded and said thank you, but Kara was ready to have Gabby back in her arms. After that, Rob zipped up Kara's coat around her and the bottom of Gabby's legs. We hoped that we wouldn't get scolded again and that she would stay with us instead of with well meaning strangers.

Then we went to the district where there are many porcelain shops. Nanchang is known for their fine porcelain and we were taken to a shop where we didn't have to haggle to get the lowest prices. We found a tea set for Gabby there as well as many other beautiful items.

Our last stop was Walmart again, which we know quite well after visiting it on Monday. We found a couple of lighter weight sleepers for Gabby as the ones we took were too warm for her. We also found some toddler books that have pictures and words in both Chinese. We are amazed at how inexpensive things are over here. When we exchange money, we get 8 yuan per 1 dollar. We noticed when we went to Walmart that scooters were selling for around 2000 yuan which is around $250. Cheap at twice the price! As we were walking to the check-outs we joked how if someone had told us that we would be walking alone through a Walmart in China with a baby in-tow we wouldn't have believed them.

Back to the hotel to order more bottled water and a cheese pizza from Pizza Hut. Tomorrow is another free day but we have to do some paperwork in the afternoon. The paperwork has to be done by Kara since she is the US citizen so Rob will be in charge of Gabby while Kara is downstairs with the group. It'll be an interesting afternoon.

All in all Gabby has had her best day yet. We have to remind ourselves that this is only the third day with her. Gabby is slowly coming around to Rob. She is willing enough to take Cheerios and food from Rob but not enough to touch her or give her a bottle. It's slow progress but things get better everyday.

We are getting all your emails/messages and it is very comforting knowing you are all thinking of us and supporting us in our journey. Kara and Gabby are playing on the floor while I read out the emails. Gabby is very possessive, whenever she sees us holding hands she starts to whine but Kara tells her that she just has to get used to sharing Mommy with Daddy.

2/2/2005 3:22:07 AM

A Walk in the Park

We had a free day in Nanchang today. We started off with an easy breakfast in the hotel. The breakfast buffet is included in the price of the room so we stock up on breakfast and skip lunch. Gabby is letting me get closer each day especially at breakfast where she will sit with me in her high chair while Kara gets her breakfast. At other times of the day there is still a 1 foot comfort zone around her that she likes to keep "daddy free".

After breakfast we bundled up and went for a walk along the lake to a small park. We made sure to keep all parts of Gabby covered up to appease the clothes police. Traffic in China is quite different to the US. It seems that anything goes so long as you don't hit anything. On the coach in Beijing the driver made a left and crossed 3 lanes of traffic not by waiting for a gap but by slowly inching out until everyone stopped. Bicycles are everywhere and it is amazing how they avoid all the cars.

This afternoon Kara had to do paperwork for the US consulate which left me with Gabby. Gabby only cried for about 15 minutes before quieting and going to sleep. She has quite the temper and was frequently stiff as a board in my arms, but once she fell asleep she was out for a couple of hours.

Tomorrow we get Gabby's Chinese passport and then fly to Guangzhou in the afternoon. The flight is a little over an hour long so we'll see how Gabby does on the plane. We may not be able to post again for a day or two depending on what the internet situation is like in the White Swan hotel.

2/3/2005 3:37:42 AM

Dear Friends at Harris

I have been meaning to email you all to thank you for all the wonderful messages you have left for us on our site. The best time of day has been in the morning. I feed a very calm and cuddly Gabby and Rob sits next to us reading all the messages from our family and friends. It is the perfect start to our day.

I believe the record held for the most messages posted so far goes to our very own Reed Davis....each message just gets better and better Reed and I know you want to hear back from me personally. Thank you Derrick and Amy also for your messages. I am sure there were others left, so I apologize kids if I left your name out but the past few days have been an emotional but wonderful blur. I never know what day it is anymore, I usually find out when we go down to breakfast each morning as the elevators have a new rug placed in them each day telling us the day of the week in both English and Chinese.

Today we leave for Guangzhou, which Rob probably already posted, this is our last stop before coming home.

I am excited but also a little sad for Gabrielle, she is leaving her home province today, the province where she was born and I wish for the day that we can travel back together so she can see how truly beautiful it is. I already warned Rob that I am a bit emotional today, worried about how she will do on the flight...luckily it's only about 80 minutes. But more so because she is leaving her home.

In our hotel, we have noticed so many other groups of adoptive families, groups from South America, France also I believe. We even met a couple from London, England. They came back for their second daughter and have a beautiful 4 year old named Ellie. To hear her and other beautiful Chinese girls speak in a language different than Chinese just brings home the fact that these precious girls have been adopted all over the world....scattered to the wind. There is so much joy in that knowing the wonderful homes these girls will receive but also a sadness that they have only scraps of their true beginnings.

Okay....on to lighter notes. Gabby has reached stage 3 in the grieving handbook which is temper tantrums. How can this be lighter? Well, she had a doozy last night and it was almost funny the way she grunted to get her way. I can deal with kids being grumpy about not getting their way and have no problem saying no. It's silly, but it was better to hear her cry be angry than just so sad and terrified. I can understand both of her emotions, but it was another corner turned for her. Each day we are getting more and more semi smiles...and when she really lets down, we have heard giggles and laughter when we bring out the box of apple crackers...her new favorite!

I could go on and on about all the wonderful people in our group. To watch them bond with their daughters and see the kids play together has been priceless. I hope you will all keep emailing, and Reed don't worry, when you email us it is not like the phone ringing. You do not wake up us or email away kids, I am saving them all for Gabby's scrapbook. Have fun in computer lab today, I wonder if EM games will work for you...but most of all be good for Mrs. Hauser. I am sure you have already figured out what a pro she is at teaching...and I know you will think about the choices you make while I am away..and try to make the very best ones.

I think about you everyday and can't wait to bring Gabrielle to school to meet you. Say hi to Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Reigh and Mrs. Adams for me...yes Nicole we got your last email.

Take care and we will post again as soon as we can.

Love to all,
Rob, Kara and our gal Gabby :)

2/3/2005 3:35:56 PM

Goodbye Nanchang, Hello Guangzhou

Friday morning we picked up Gabby's passport. We could now leave Nanchang so it was back to the Lake View to finish up the packing. We had a little time to kill in the children's play room then it was off to the airport. It was time to say goodbye to our local guide, Mary, who had taken such good care of us all while in Nanchang. Our CHI coordinator Sabrina and our local guides make every task in China very easy. They seem to be everywhere at once and are always available to help out and answer questions. What's more amazing is that with the Chinese New Year fast approaching they are giving up time with their families to help build our new family with Gabby.

The flight went smoothly and Gabby was great on the flight. Kara gave her a bottle during take off to help with her ears and we kept her occupied with Cheerios and toys.

We arrived in Guangzhou on Friday afternoon and traveled to the White Swan hotel. The White Swan is a popular hotel for adoptive couples as it is very close to the American Consulate. There are many shops surrounding the hotel and the majority cater to adoptive families. Friday night we didn't do much other than visit a near-by 7-11 to pickup bottled water and then ate in the hotel.

Saturday morning we were up early to go to Gabby's medical exam. First we a quick stop across the street for visa photos of Gabby then a walk to the medical facility. The medical was fairly short and they checked Gabby's height, weight, measured her head circumference, listened to her heart and so on.

While walking back to the hotel we stopped by the famous "Jennifer's Place", a popular store within the adoption community. We didn't buy anything today but are planning on returning tomorrow since Sunday is a free day for us.

Rebecca, our local guide while in Guangzhou, and Sabrina offered to take us to a local shopping mall where we could buy pearls and jade. Gabby obviously loved being in her stroller again. It seems that the louder and busier the surroundings the happier Gabby is. First stop was a jewelry store where Kara bought some pearls and earrings. The pearls were made into necklaces for when she is older and two pairs of earrings, one for Kara and one for Gabby.

Next stop was a Jade store. There were many beautiful pieces and Kara settled on two pieces of jade that will be made into earrings. Rebecca offered to return to the store in a couple of days to pick up the earrings for us, again our local guides are going the extra mile to make sure we want for nothing while in China.

Back to the hotel for a quick nappy change and then off to Lucy's Bar and Grill for dinner. It's been a busy day and the shopping wore Gabby out. As I type Gabby is nestled within her crib and sleeping soundly. Everyday we are making progress with Gabby and I fed her congee for lunch and dinner while Kara ate her meal in peace for a change.

Tomorrow is a free day and I can see another big day of shopping ahead of us. We also want to check out the play room that is in the hotel. We'll be sure to post more tomorrow and let you know how we get on.

2/5/2005 6:25:25 AM

Playing in the Swan Room

Yesterday was a free day so we took it easy with some play time in the Swan room and a shopping spree at Jennifer's Place.

The Swan Room is a Mattel sponsored play room at the White Swan. There is plenty to see and do with lots of toys. Gabby's referral information told us that she likes toys that make noise and she certainly liked the noisier toys in the Swan room. An Elmo activity table was a big hit. She especially liked flipping plastic book pages back and forth and is the happiest when she is standing. We tried out a walker and as long as Kara had a hold of her she could really make tracks. Even when we hit a dead end, she could reposition the walker so she could keep in motion.

We think she knows how to give kisses or at least make a kissy sound with her lips. We got her to do it twice in the Swan Room, but not since then. She definitely doesn't want to perform on demand. Rob was holding a stuffed Pooh Bear, and kept making it talk. Slowly Gabrielle moved towards the bear and while touching its nose she had her hand resting on Rob's hand and knee...she looked up at him, no tears or screams, but slowly moved her hand back. I told Rob, it was a bit like feeding bears, no sudden movements or she'll be off like a shot. We also blew bubbles for Gabby for the first time, and she got a real kick watching them float through the air.

We also spent some time (and money) in Jennifer's Place. Soon after we had entered the store Gabby was out of her stroller and playing with everyone in the store. Before we knew it she was wearing squeaky shoes and was styling with hair accessories. The shopkeepers sure know how to keep the babies quiet and happy and are very helpful when it comes time to find the right size clothes and shoes.

There is lots to see and buy at Jennifer's and Kara bought one outfit a year for the next 5 years. Squeaky shoes are a must. Each shoe has a squeaker in the heel to encourage kids to stomp and walk. Gabby has already blown out one of her squeakers!

On another note it's Super Bowl Sunday and while the game is on the TV over here in China we're currently listening to Chinese children's music, but thank you Steve for the halftime update. We have to hang in the room this morning from 10-12 while Sabrina is at the Consulate filing papers for her American passport. We have to be by the phone in case there are any questions. Then we are meeting for our group photo at 12 and baby photos on the famous red couch, but we have explored the hotel and haven't found it yet. Everyone is putting the kids in Chinese outfits, we have beautiful silk red pajamas and shoes for Gabby to and pink are definitely her colors.

Tonight, we have a farewell dinner as some of our group leave tomorrow evening after getting the baby's visa. The majority of us leave on Wednesday at 8:30 to go to Hong Kong. We will getting up at 4 in the the travel day will be long, but we feel we are getting pretty good at going through airports with a baby in tow.

Also, tomorrow night is the night before the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year which is like Christmas to us. Sabrina apologized to our group saying she would not be able to eat dinner with us Tuesday night, but she is going to be with family. We cannot believe her dedication to making us comfortable and checking to see if the babies are okay and happy. You can see from the pictures all the beautiful decorations in the hotel to celebrate the holiday. Everywhere you look are trees covered in red envelopes or leices...I think they are called. You put crisp money in them for holiday, called lucky money. There are trees with tiny oranges or tangerines on them in the hotel and in the streets. We feel so fortunate to be here at this time of year.

Right now I am typing while Gabby is happily playing in her crib. She is taking more notice of her toys and in the right frame of mind can play happily by herself for over 45 minutes, I think the Chinese nursery rhymes playing are familiar to her. She has been looking at the book of photos we brought for her and has jabbered at Brinkley and Allie's pictures. Every so often I hear a grunt and by the redness in her face realize she is working on a "present" for me to discover in her nappy. The joys of parenthood.

We hope to post the pictures of her and all her Chinese 'sisters' in our group. She has made such a transformation in a week, we feel very blessed that she is showing us the happier side of her personality more and more.

2/6/2005 7:48:42 PM

Packed and Ready to Go

It's 10:20 p.m. on Tuesday night. Our bags are packed and we are ready to come home. We will be getting up in about 5 hours, to shower, put our suitcases in the hall for the bell boy and we need to check out at 5:00 a.m., board a bus and head for the airport for our first flight to Hong Kong by 8:30. Then our flight to the USA leaves at around 11:40 and 14 hours later we will be in Chicago. If all the flights are on time we hope to be back in St. Louis by 4:00....eager to see family and friends.

We are only posting a short message as we are soooo tired after packing and we have lots of photos which we will post once we are home.

Today we went's amazing how you can go through so many stores and still not have seen everything this wonderful town has to offer.

We went to the American Consulate today to take an oath that we would care for Gabrielle and that all the information on her visa was true and took about 45 seconds and it was over.

There are so many things we will remember about our last day in China...the excitement of the Spring Festival, the friendly faces of other adoptive families who also have their bags packed and ready to go...but Gabrielle gave us the best going home gift there is.

Today Gabby held her arms out to Rob with a big smile on her face and let him pick her up without any hesitation or tears....well, at least Gabby wasn't crying but Mom and Dad sure were. Forget all the cool toys in the Swan Room, we spent the afternoon playing hide and seek in the hall. First Gabby would toddle after Rob with Kara holding her hands and then Rob would sweep her up into his arms with lots of giggles and then they would chase Mommy down the hall. I don't know if all the people on our floor were as happy as we were playing with Gabby...but it didn't matter.

We finally clicked as a family...what a difference a week makes!

Love to all and we will see you soon!

2/8/2005 6:52:40 AM

Home and update

Just a quick note....

We've been home since February 9th, just haven't had the time to post. Our lives have changed so much, but in the best way.

Gabby is doing great and is coming along in leaps and bounds. She's walking and "talking" up a storm. She is very vocal and we have lots of laughs at her antics and trying to guess what's going through her mind.

5/9/2005 5:36:54 PM